The Public Cloud: Helping Address Japan's Shrinking Workforce Concerns

Japan is a country with a rich history, a diverse culture, and a complicated relationship with economic and technological progress. Despite these challenges, Japan remains a major economic power today.

However, Japan is facing a long-term population decline that could have a significant impact on its economy. According to Japanese government estimates, the number of people between the ages of 15 and 64 (the working-age population) is expected to decrease by nearly 40% between 2020 and 2070. This decline will put a strain on the country's workforce and its ability to grow its economy.

In recent years, new and innovative technologies have been used to address challenges such as population decline. One such technology is automation, which can help fill gaps in the workforce and improve efficiency. However, Japan has a shortage of skilled workers in the field of automation.

This is where the public cloud comes in. The public cloud is a platform that provides businesses with access to a wide range of IT services, including infrastructure, platforms, and software. This can help businesses automate their processes and improve their efficiency without having to invest extensively in capital-heavy infrastructure or hire skilled IT workers.

At the time of this article, the Japanese public cloud industry continues to grow strongly and is expected to outpace key markets, such as the US, in the coming years. This presents a significant opportunity for businesses that are able to provide public cloud services in Japan.

Here are some of the benefits of the public cloud for businesses:

  • Save money on IT costs. Businesses can avoid the upfront costs of purchasing and maintaining their own IT infrastructure. They can also scale their cloud usage up or down as needed, which can help them save money during peak usage periods.

  • Be more agile and responsive to change. Businesses can quickly and easily deploy new applications and services in the cloud. They can also take advantage of new cloud-based technologies as they become available.

  • Improve security posture. Cloud providers have a lot of experience securing their infrastructure. They are also better equipped to constantly monitor for cyber threats.

  • Comply with regulations. Cloud providers also have the experience and resources available to comply with various regulations across the globe, reducing the need to worry about the state of compliance of your tech stack.

  • Access the latest technologies. The public cloud industry is highly competitive and a breeding ground for innovation, as seen with the surge of interest in and application of AI and no-code tech. It is constantly being updated with new technologies, making it easier for customers to access and benefit from.

  • Reach a wider audience. The public cloud makes it easier for businesses to reach a wider audience. Businesses can host their websites, businesses, and applications on the cloud, making it more cost-effective and accessible to people all over the world.

  • Reduce carbon footprint. The public cloud can be regarded as a more sustainable way to run IT infrastructure. Cloud providers tend to be more energy-efficient with their data centers due to their sheer scale and required expertise.

If you are a business that is looking to improve efficiency, reduce costs, or reach a wider audience, then the public cloud is a great option to consider.

At Litmus, we are a team of experienced professionals who have worked for and with tech companies in and out of Japan. We have seen the benefits of the public cloud for ourselves, and we are excited to help bring more of it to Japan by helping service providers plan and carry out their plans to enter the Japanese market.

Contact us today to learn more about the opportunities for market entry in Japan and how we can help. Litmus specializes in providing marketing, consulting, and localization services tailored for the Japanese market.

Disclosure: This article was written with assistance from AI tools.


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