How AI Can Help Localize Your Business in Japan

In today's world, it's no longer enough to just be an expert at your trade. You may need to be able to communicate with your audience in multiple languages, or at least in their native tongue. For many small or newer businesses, this can present a significant challenge—especially if you're only starting out in Japan. 

Thankfully, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made localization simpler and more affordable than ever before.

How AI can help your business in Japan

AI has become a buzzword for many industries, but it's particularly useful for localization efforts. AI-powered tools can help you save time and money by reducing the amount of manual labor, ensuring higher-quality automated checks, and making sure that the final product is accurate enough to meet the standards and expectations of the local market. 

In addition, they allow localization teams to focus on higher-level tasks while still meeting deadlines and potentially operating with a leaner and more optimized team structure and budget.

In addition to helping you localize faster and more accurately, they can also provide insights into how to improve your business, which is great for companies that want to build a global presence but don’t have the resources or expertise to do so.

The advantages of using AI for localization

The Japanese translation market was approximately $2 billion in 2020, making it a significant market globally.

There's an increasing need for automated services that can provide high-quality translations at affordable rates because most businesses won't necessarily have enough budget to hire human translators full-time or on an ongoing basis.

Generally speaking, AI services using machine learning can be significantly cheaper than human translators. You can get started with just one platform instead of hiring multiple people with different skill sets (e.g., technical writers), who would otherwise need extensive training before starting work on your projects.

Furthermore, AI tends to be much faster than human translators. Being able to get started faster and using automated tools means less time spent waiting. This frees up resources that can be spent on other key areas within the business.

The disadvantages of using AI for localization

However, it is worth noting that AI is not a replacement for human translators. AI tools cannot be used for everything, and they are not always accurate.

The results may not always be grammatically correct and can sometimes have cultural connotations that you don't want associated with your brand or business. Language and communication are more than just words; they also reflect tone and nuances based on context and culture that AI models are not able to understand and properly reflect today.

Therefore, it's important to use an experienced translator who understands how Japanese audiences will perceive your message or product offering before deciding which AI tool you should use as part of your localization strategy.

As technology continues to advance and improve, it's important for businesses to stay up-to-date with the latest developments. AI tools are becoming more common in many aspects of our lives, from ordering groceries online to translating a web page into another language. 

While these tools may seem convenient, they're not always accurate or appropriate. If your company is planning on using an AI translator as part of its localization strategy, make sure to consult with professionals who have experience entering new markets beforehand.

Why you may want to consider having a local partner when entering a new market

While AI is a useful tool, it can't replace the expertise of experienced localization consultants. In the case of Japan, they will have the knowledge and understanding of the market that's necessary to help you enter it successfully. They can help you find the right partners who understand the language and culture at a native level, set up a proper localization process for your business, and improve your product or service so that it appeals to customers in Japan.

If you're looking to enter the Japanese market, you may want to work with localization consultants at some point during the market entry process, ideally from the beginning. They can help you connect with local partners and ensure that your business is successful in Japan.

Using the right tools and consultants is key to localization success

The idea that AI can solve all of your localization problems is a misnomer. It's important to remember that AI will only do what it's programmed to do, so if you want your localization efforts to succeed, you need to be thoughtful about the goals and objectives of your project before beginning the process.

A good place to start is by looking at what kinds of content are most relevant for your target audience—and then figuring out how those pieces should be written or spoken so they resonate with local customers. 

You may want to start with an expert who not only understands the local language and market but also has experience in and understanding of your company’s home market as well. This can help bridge any gaps between the two cultures during localization efforts like content translation, adapting visuals, or voiceover work.

Reach out to us today to learn more about the opportunities that Japan and we here at Litmus can provide in terms of marketing, business consulting, and localization services.

Disclosure: This article was written with assistance from AI tools.


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